Guardian Doula

Protecting Mamas as They Glow

“just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

Matthew 20:28

Hello, I’m Gabby

and here is why I do what I do

Upon discovering my pregnancy, I had envisioned a natural water birth, a plan that unfortunately went unfulfilled as the hospital did not adhere to my preferences. This sense of isolation prompted me to embark on a path as a doula, offering guidance to mothers during labor and ensuring the sanctity of their birthing choices.

The disappointment of my own birthing journey underscored the significance of advocating for women during this pivotal and vulnerable phase of their lives. Transitioning into a doula role enabled me to extend the support and understanding that I yearned for in my own motherhood voyage. My dedication lies in empowering mothers, ensuring they feel valued, heard, and bolstered as they usher new life into the world. Embracing the role of a doula, I am devoted to fostering a secure and nurturing space where mothers can embrace their resilience and make informed decisions that resonate with their aspirations and beliefs. Recognizing the uniqueness of each birth, I am committed to empowering every mother, ensuring they feel dignified and supported throughout the wondrous journey of welcoming a child into existence.


-Complimentary meet and greet

-assist birth planning

-1 1-2hr prenatal appointment

-Unlimited access ' via phone or email

-24/7 on call access starting at 36 weeks

-In-person labor support from early labor through 1 hr postpartum


Package One

-Complimentary meet and greet

-Assist birth planning

-2 1-2hr prenatal appointments

-Unlimited access via phone or email

-24/7 on call access starting at 36 weeks

-In-person labor support from early labor through 1 hr postpartum

-Partner pep-talk( education for partners of laboring mothers)


Package Two

Package Three

-Complimentary meet and greet

-assist birth planning

-2 1-2hr prenatal appointments

-Unlimited access via phone or email

-24/7 on call access starting at 36 weeks

-In-person labor support from early labor through 1 hr postpartum

-Full in-person Childbirth Education Class (physiological birth, stages of labor, interventions, comfort measures, complications, postpartum, breastfeeding)


Enhance the Experience

Woman Breastfeeding Her Baby Illustration
Mother and baby line art
Woman measuring the waistline line art
Sleeping baby line art

Breastfeeding Support

Assisting new moms with the ins and outs of breastfeeding including latching, positioning of baby for best results and emotional support

Postpartum Check-in

After the dust has settle how are you?

Reflection after labor, tips on adjusting to life with baby, what to expect in coming months

Belly binding

Abdominal wrap to assist muscle retraction after birth, relieve lower back pain, decrease post postpartum bleeding time

Childbirth Education Class

2 sessions lasting 2-4 hours each to learn the process of physiological birth, stages of labor, interventions, complications, comfort measures, postpartum care, and baby first aid safety

Sometimes Things

Don’t Go as Planned

Abstract Women Flat Illustration
Newborn baby girl line art

Life in the NICU

1-2 hour, in-person class, preparing parents to navigate life in the NICU, what to expect, and how to be an active participant in your child’s care.

Newborn on the moon

Miscarriage and Stillbirth

Trained/certified to assist with parents who are expecting a baby born sleeping by providing support and resources.

Email or call free consultation

Learn More.

Let's Talk.





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